Eating Every Other Day For Six Weeks
Oct 18, 2019
How many times have you wanted to try something out but you just keep telling yourself you’ll start after… “Fill in Bullshit timeline here” ? That was the exact path I was heading down as I discussed trying out Alternate Day Fasting(ADF) about a month ago. Video Evidence HERE. Luckily, I sniffed out my own […]

Longevity and HealthSpan – Ways to Promote Both
Apr 27, 2019
What’s the point of a LONG LIFE if you can’t enjoy it to the very fullest…. Enter HealthSpan! Way before the prosperous times of today, our ancestors (and early organisms for that matter) main innate objective was survival. Fast forward to present day, I’d say this objective remains atop the greater populations to-do list….. The […]