May 18, 2024
When it comes to systemic positive change throughout the body, there seems to be ONE intervention to rule them ALL! And no, you can’t find it at your local pharmacy, unless you jog there and back, of course. This powerful, full-body, health & vitality drug is Exercise. Something that we’ve been doing since the beginning […]
Jun 3, 2023
100 Billion…. …is the modest number of neurons the average, soon-to-be intelligent walking ape comes equipped with at the start of this thing called life… A Number which shrinks by design, being pruned to about 80-90 billion by early adulthood. It is HERE, these “Oh So Critical” brain and nervous system cells which facilitate the […]
Mar 5, 2021
I got News for Ya…. Our GENES…… Are OUR GENES! And there’s no Changing that….. At Least for Now….. However, the expression of Said Genes (otherwise know as our Epigenetics) is a WHOLE DIFFERENT Story! Think of this as the ON/OFF switch for your genetic code. Heavily influenced by your lifestyle habits and interaction with […]
Nov 1, 2019
A few years back, my Sunday scaries were realer than REAL! Not for the fact that Monday was in the not so distant future, but because my Friday and Saturday antics would leave me lying in bed, mind racing like I just downed a few Red Bulls…or Four Locos (depending on the weekend). There had […]
Aug 30, 2019
When it comes down to BRASS TAX, the majority of the World Exercises to LOSE WEIGHT… And LOOK Awesome Naked 😏 But Believe it or NOT, Weight LOSS is just a Byproduct of all the other amazing things that are going on in Your BODY! WHAT Amazing Things You Ask? You’ve Landed on the Right […]