Double KettleBell POWER EMOM | 25 Minutes
This Week’s Episode of Sweat Therapy is brought to you by Two Heavy Kettlebells and a Power EMOM….
4 Movements / 4-6 Rounds / 25 Minutes
What You Need:
- (2) Kettlebells
- Timer
The Motions:
Complete the following Movements, Every Minute on the Minute, one exercise per minute:
- Skier High Pulls – 6 Reps
- Double Row Clean Complex – 4 Reps (2 each side)
- Tuck Planche PushUps OR PushUps – 6-8 Reps
- Row Snatch Step-Back – 4 Reps (2 each side)
👊 GO 👊
And Remember… Rule #1 of Exercise
Don’t Get Hurt!
So Please Modify where Needed!😀🤙
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