ParkCore | 20 Minute Bodyweight HIIT
Ever Since I watched Michael Scott Do Parkour in the Office I always wanted to see what it’d be like
It DID NOT Disappoint 🔥🔥🔥🔥
6 Exercise / 4-6 Rounds / ~20 Minutes
What You Need:
- Just YOU….& a Timer
The Motions:
0:30 of WORK
0:15 of REST
- Squat Roll Back w/ Tuck Jump
- Lateral Bear Crawl / Explosive Lunge & Clap
- Alternating Knee-to-Elbow w/ Kick through
- High Knees to HANDS
- Leg Raises w/ Pulse
- Crunch HOLD
THAT’S ROUND ONE 👊 Take a Minute OR 15 seconds and Get RIGHT BACK AT IT!
And Remember… Rule #1 of Exercise
Don’t Get Hurt!
So Please Modify where Needed!😀🤙
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